identifying section headings




1- Photos count: An integer number of the total instagram feed photos.

2- User ID: Instagram user ID.

3- Access token: Instagram access token.

4- Element extra class: Assign a css class to the instagram feed (useful for custom css styles).

a. Goto this website and make sure you are logged in.

b. Click on Register Your Application button

c. Click on Register a New Client button.

d. Fill all the input boxes.

e. Click on Security tab, uncheck Disable implicit OAuth and click on Register button.

f. After that you will get a new blue box click on manage button and from the next page copy Client ID, also click on Security tab and copy Valid redirect URIs: as it is, without missing any single letter.

g. You will need to goto this URL but you will need to change:
CLIENT-ID with the one you get from step f.
REDIRECT-URI with the one you get from step f.

h. Copy the final URL to your browser after changing the values then hit enter.

i. From the new page click on Authorize button.

j. You will be redirect to your REDIRECT-URI along with code, it will be something like http://your-redirect-uri#access_token=2546719702.d9ac2e9.d35b2fa3fd0b41048d0717d100e21964

k. This code 2546719702.d9ac2e9.d35b2fa3fd0b41048d0717d100e21964 will be the Access Token, and the first part of that code 2546719702 will be the User Id.

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Responsive Options


After adding the images a new tab (Responsive Options) will appear to customize the instagram feed columns for different devices and screens (Demo).

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CSS Animation: You can animate the instagram feed images by selecting the animation you would like.
CSS animation delay: The animation delay in (seconds) format EX: 0.25