identifying section headings




1- Google API key: If you don’t have a Google API key, goto this website and click on Get Started button and follow the instructions.

2- Layout: open or Collapse (Demo).
Selecting collapse will display another options to add the background image and background color.

3- Source: Default or Embed iframe.

4- Zoom level: Integer number between 0 and 18 for the map zoom.

5- Map latitude: The latitude of the map it self (Not the marker).

6- Map longitude:The longitude of the map it self (Not the marker).

7- Map markers:

To get the latitude and longitude follow these steps:

a. Goto google maps website.

b. Click on Show your location button from the bottom right corner to get the current location.

c. The browser URL will change and will be something like,2.3523733,15z?hl=en.
The numbers 48.8628277 will be the latitude and 2.3523733 will be the longitude.

8- Element extra class: Assign a css class to the Google Maps (useful for custom css styles)

identifying section headings




CSS Animation: You can animate the Google Maps by selecting the animation you would like.
CSS animation delay: The animation delay in (seconds) format EX: 0.25