identifying section headings




1- Type: Text, Image or Video (Demo).

2- Layout: Selecting button type text will allow you to select the button layout from 12 different layouts.

3- Size: Selecting button type text will allow you to select the button size (Large, Medium or Small).

4- Text: Button text (only for button type text).

Button type image: Selecting the button type image will display another option (Image) so you can upload the button image with the ability to set the maximum button width.

Button type video: Selecting the button type video will display another option (Video URL) so you can add the button video direct URL (Youtube, Vimeo or .MP4) with the ability to set the button color.

5- URL (Link): Button URL (Link).

6- Set full width button?: Checking the Set full width button? checkbox will set the button width to the fullwidth of it’s parent.

7- Add icon?: Checking the Add icon? check box will allow you to add an icon to the button with the ability to set the icon Before/after the button text.

8- Open a modal?: Checking the Open a modal? checkbox will allow you to open a modal by clicking on the button but the URL (Link) must be the modal Button URL (more info about the modal).

9- Advanced on click action?: Will allow you to add a custom javascript code for onclick action.

10- Element extra class: Assign a css class to the button (useful for custom css styles).

identifying section headings


Design Options


You can control the Button (Margin values from this option).

– Margin default value (NAN)

identifying section headings




CSS Animation: You can animate the button by selecting the animation you would like.
CSS animation delay: The animation delay in (seconds) format EX: 0.25